U.S. Congressional Candidate, Carmen Bucco, to Visit Verona on 4/17/24
The VMRS will host its Quarterly Meeting on April 17, 2024 and will be joined by Carmen Bucco, U.S. Congressional Candidate. Bucco is a small business owner and founder of Bucco’s Rising Stars Foundation. He has openly discussed his experience in the foster care system and living on the streets. He states, "I am running for office because there is a lot of work that needs to be done and I believe we can always do better for the public. There is always an uphill battle and must be able to work with others no matter the party. By doing this so much can be done to benefit all our communities." More information can be found on his website at To RSVP to the meeting, email us at
Republican Candidates for State Senate Assembly LD40 to Visit Verona at VMRC Quarterly Meeting
The Verona Municipal Republican Committee ( will host an All American BBQ, Quarterly Meeting and Meet and Greet on October 18th at 7pm in Verona. This event is in conjunction with the West Caldwell and the Cedar Grove Republican Committees. Senator Kristin M. Corrado and Assemblyman Chris DePhillips are the current LD40 incumbents, while Al Barlas is their running mate on the Assembly ticket. The candidates have attended several Verona's events, including the Pride event in June, the OLL food truck festival in July, and the Verona 5K UNICO event. They continuously show their support to Verona and they want to take back Trenton! Verona was recently redistricted to New Jersey's 40th Legislative District (LD40), which includes Franklin Lakes, Ridgewood, and Wyckoff (Bergen County); Caldwell, Cedar Grove, Essex Fells, Fairfield, North Caldwell, Verona, and West Caldwell (in Essex County), as well as Little Falls, Hawthorne, Totowa, Wayne and Woodland Park (Passaic County). RSVP with your name, address and number of guests to: to receive the information of Verona location!
VMRC to award two, $500 scholarships for VHS graduating seniors
Two Verona Republican Municipal Committee (VMRC) Scholarships are open to all young men and women, who reside in the Township of Verona and are graduating from Verona High School in June 2023. We do not consider academic achievement and financial need for these scholarships. The applicant does not require to be going to college or a trade school after high school to qualify for the scholarship. Applications should be returned to....
I have never understood why it is “greed” to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.
Thomas Sowell